Santiveri Organic Vegan Cake with Spelt and Quinoa
Santiveri cake is organic food with the EU organic certification that is suitable for people who have health concerns. The ingredients are Organic Spelt and Quinoa which is no added sugar, high carbohyrate nutrients and high fibre.
Suitable for:
Vegan, High cholesterol
Storage and Usage
Avoid direct sunlight/humidity, keep in a cool place.
Nutritional Benefits
- Santiveri Cake is rich in grain and wheat that contain carbohydrates, which are important to your health. Your body needs carbohydrates to provide energy every day.
- The fibre in grain helps control your weight because fibre can helps you feel full.
-The grain from Santiveri Cake contains B vitamins, which help your body have a better metabolism.
Good sources of:
Carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.